Straightforward insurance that protects the ones you love in the event of your death. The premium you pay always stays the same and so does the amount received.
Some insurance products have premiums that are only paid over a few years, while others pay out a different amount depending on the subscriber’s age. But there’s also L’Acadienne,* which is more straightforward. You always pay the same premium every month or year, and the amount paid in the event of your death is the one you selected when you took out your policy. That’s it!
Straightforward coverage for people who like to keep things simple.
Like most life insurance contracts, you can add optional coverage in the form of a “rider”:
Of course, you’ll want to discuss these options with your advisor to make sure you get the coverage you need. There are other policies as well and the ones you’ve just read about are subject to a few exclusions that your advisor will explain to you.
*L'Acadienne is an Acadia Life product. Subject to eligibility criteria and policy terms and provisions.
Acadia Life is a component of UNI Insurance. UNI Insurance is the descriptive trademark of the subsidiaries of Caisse populaire acadienne ltée: AVie, Financial Security Advisors; Acadia General Insurance (general insurance provider); and Acadia Life (personal insurance company).