Business   /   Insurance for Directors and Officers

Insurance needs for directors and officers

Your business relies on your dedicated directors, officers and business owners. Make sure your key members are adequately protected.

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What do you need to protect?

I want to secure the buyout of shares held by a deceased, disabled or critically ill officer

When a shareholder dies, becomes disabled or develops a critical illness, it is not only an emotional upset for your team but also an organizational and financial shock for your company, because you will need to buy out their shares. How will you find the funds for this major unforeseen expense?  

Proper insurance coverage ensures that you, as a shareholder or officer, receive the value of the shares held by your deceased, disabled or critically ill associates. Various factors influence taxation on these shares; meet with our advisors to review the details.

I want my business to continue in the event of the injury, illness or death of a key team member

When someone in an essential role at your organization dies, is injured or develops a critical illness, you have decisions to make: do you replace them? If so, do you have the resources to hire and train the new candidate? What if your operations are disrupted due to an extended absence?

Protect your business by arranging life, disability and critical illness insurance for key persons. Schedule an appointment with our advisors. 

I want to protect my directors and officers personally against errors, omissions and claims

If someone is injured due to decisions made by your directors, officers or partners, are you covered? What if they sign the wrong document or overlook information influencing a major investment?

Even if you were not responsible, you could still have to pay the legal fees incurred due to the resulting claims. Civil liability insurance and errors & omissions insurance ensure that your assets will be protected whether or not you are responsible for professional mistakes or injuries to others. Meet with your advisor to review all the options available to you.  

Do you need personalized coverage?

I want to cover my business against employee errors and omissions

Your directors and officers are not the only ones needing protection against errors or claims: all your employees do as well. If someone is injured by products assembled in your factory or on your site due to employee negligence, you could be required to pay significant compensation or legal fees.

Don’t leave your company exposed to this financial risk. Speak to your advisor about the options available to protect your business against errors, omissions, damage or injury caused by employees. Coverage may even be mandatory in some industries—be sure to find out!

I want to cover my business against employee errors and omissions

I want to cover the life and health of my employees

When it comes to group insurance for your employees, are you prepared? In addition to protecting your business with coverage for key team members, you can protect the financial health of your employees and their families in the event of death, disability or illness. 

Good insurance coverage and generous group savings plans make it easier to hire and retain qualified employees. Come meet with us to identify the right solution for your business!

I want to cover the life and health of my employees

Have you considered this?

Your commercial buildings and assets are precious. Equip yourself with adequate general insurance protection to cover costly repairs and replacements.
How will you repay your loans in the event of the disability, critical illness or death of one of your associates? Loan & credit insurance helps you keep up with your commitments.
Take a look at all our solutions for businesses. We're here to help you manage your affairs from A to Z.

Ready to meet with an advisor?

We're here to answer all your questions about insurance for directors and officers.

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